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Collision causes delays on I-5 near Southcenter in Tukwila

Posted October 1, 2021
KING COUNTY, WA -- A vehicle accident Friday afternoon shut down several lanes on Interstate 5 in the Southcenter area of Tukwila, reports Washington State Department of Transportation. This crash on NB I-5 south of I-405 in #Southcenter is blocking all but one left lane with some vehicles using the shoulder as well. It'll...
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Rollover crash closes two lanes on I-5 near Everett’s Silver Lake

Posted October 1, 2021
SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WA -- A rollover collision Thursday evening blocked two right lanes on Interstate 5 near Silver Lake in south Everett, reports Washington State Patrol. Everett - Troopers are just arriving on scene of a rollover crash north on I-5 near 112th St. Currently the two right lanes are blocked. — Trooper Rocky...
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How Does Truck Driver Fatigue Affect Truck Accidents?

Posted October 1, 2021
Driving while tired is risky behavior. It’s just as dangerous as driving drunk. That’s because it causes similar impairments, such as poor motor skills, decreased coordination, and slower reaction time. Motorists can’t function correctly when they feel fatigued, increasing the risk of an accident. In 2019, 697 people died in collisions involving drowsy drivers. An accident...
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Collision Blocked ramp at I-5 southbound

Posted October 1, 2021
WASHINGTON- According to WSDOT Traffic,  a collision at the I-5 Southbound ramp caused the blocking of the ramp from Mercer St. Delays of traffic are expected due to collisions. There is no other information provided about the collision. [cta]
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Two Lanes closed due to collision on Northbound I-5

Posted October 1, 2021
WASHINGTON- According to WSDOT Traffic, a collision happened at I-5 Northbound of SR 526 at 6:24 p.m. Sept 30. The collision caused the blocking of the right 2 lanes. There is no further information on the collision released. [cta]
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Right lane blocked at Northbound

Posted September 30, 2021
SEATTLE, WC- A collision on the I-405 northbound off-ramp to SR 522 westbound occurred at 11:05 pm on September 30, 2021. This resulted in blocking the right lane. [cta]
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Collision at 148th Ave SE blocks ramp

Posted September 30, 2021
SEATTLE, WC- According to WSPOD Traffic,  on the I-90 eastbound off-ramp to 148th Ave SE there was a collision partially blocking the ramp on September 30, 3:06 pm. [cta]
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