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What Happens If You Crash a Rental Car In Washington?

Posted September 3, 2024
Washington sees tens of millions of tourists every year, many of whom drive rental cars as they enjoy scenic routes and explore iconic cities. Washington residents also use rental cars when they have car trouble or to test-drive a new car model they’re interested in buying. Whatever the reason for renting a vehicle, having...
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How to Brace for a Car Accident In Washington

Posted September 3, 2024
Motorists hold conflicting views about whether or not to brace for an accident. You may have heard that going limp is the best way to avoid serious harm, with much anecdotal evidence about sleeping passengers and drunk or drowsy drivers avoiding injuries in an accident because they were relaxed at the time of the...
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Why Do Additional Collisions Often Occur at the Scene of a Car Crash?

Posted July 31, 2024
Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of motorists like the words, “multi-car pileup.” We’ve all seen news reports of horrific chain reaction car accidents with an alarming number of vehicles crashing one after the other into a tangled mass of twisted cars and injured victims. In other cases, police camera videos capture additional collisions...
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Is Lane Assistance Dangerous?

Posted July 31, 2024
Motorists worldwide are entering a new error, with driving assistance technology coming to the forefront. An estimation by the Highway Loss Data Institute suggests that more than half of all vehicles on the roadways will include Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), including lane assistance by 2027. In 2022, about 25% of vehicles on the...
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How to Report a Hit-and-Run Accident in Washington

Posted June 25, 2024
Accidents happen suddenly and no one is ever prepared. The accident scene is always frightening and traumatic, especially if you or a loved one suffered injuries. But a distressing situation becomes even worse when the at-fault driver flees the scene of the accident. Where does an accident victim go from there, when the driver...
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Who Pays the Medical Bills If I’m Injured at Work?

Posted May 22, 2024
Suffering a workplace injury in Washington is both painful and unsettling. You may be wondering how to provide for yourself and your family while you recover and who is going to pay the large bills for your medical treatment and rehabilitation costs. In the worst-case scenario, you may find yourself facing permanent partial or...
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How to File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Washington

Posted May 22, 2024
The loss of a beloved family member always feels wrong, but when the death was entirely preventable and occurred due to someone else’s careless, reckless, or wrongful actions, a Washington wrongful death lawsuit helps close family members achieve a sense of justice and accountability. A successful wrongful death claim also compensates those left behind...
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